Alcohol, drugs, & sex will be all around us tonight! 70% of people will be doing 1 out of 3 of these sinful acts this evening, 20% will be doing 2 of the 3, 5% will be doing all 3, and the rest well are just losers. Which percentage will you fall into this evening? I personally will be shooting for 2 of the 3. I'm very excited for the evening planned as I hope it will be pretty eventful! A very close friend from Houston had flown in last night to come celebrate this evening and has brought along one of the Holiest Grail status beers known to mankind with him! Yuengling which is brewed and only distributed out east is one of the best Lagers that I have ever had the privilege of ever consuming will be at our get together this evening for our drinking pleasure. I am truly blessed for all the things that have happened this past year and greatful that I will start the New Year with my best friends and relatives I've ever had! Much love and respect to all! Be safe and Welcome to 2010!