The year was 1990 and I was in just starting the 4th grade needed some new sneakers. I was constantly playing basket ball with some BK's that my mom had bought me the year before. As I was hustling up and down the court, I started to notice almost every kid (the cool ones) were all wearing Nike Air Jordans! I looked at my feet and asked myself "where are mine?". After that question was asked I started to plan and scheme ways to manipulate my mom into buying me my own pair. A couple of days later I came to a solution! I had come up with a lie and told my mom that my feet hurt and that I possibly have out grown my BK's and told her that I needed a new pair of basketball shoes. She gave me this look (which was the look of "my son's feet hurt") and I thought to myself "YES" I'm almost home free! So the following weekend my mom brought us (my brother, my sister and I) to Lincoln Wood Town Center Mall to buy us some new clothes and me some new sneakers. As we walked into the mall, we started to shop around for some clothing and picked up some new gear for school but towards the end of the trip my mom remembered that I needed new sneakers! I was screaming "YAY" in my head but then she started moving towards "PAYLESS" then I was screaming "NOOOO!". I had to think fast and told my mom "Mom..I don't like any of the shoes there and told her that I saw a pair upstairs at the "Foot Locker" that I really liked!" She gave me this look of "I know what your up to!" but then I attacked with a sad puppy dog look. She gasped and was like "show me!" I ran as fast as I could to Foot Locker and there it was looking down on me, my first and last pair of Jordans that I would own for the rest of my childhood. The Air Jordan VI's in black and infrared. My mom waved the shoe sales man and then looked at me and was like tell him which ones you wanna try on. I looked up and told him the Jordans! He measured my foot and went to the back and grabbed my pair. I tried it on and my mom was like "how do those feel?" at this point I really didn't care about the feel but about the look! I was speechless and told my mom "I want these!". Mom then looked at the salesman and asked "How Much?" His response was "$98.00". My mom gave him a look of disgust and said "WHAT!!!!" she started to head towards the door and I yelled "PLEASE!!" everyone at school has them! That is when the jigg was up, I spilled my guts and my mom knew what I was up to. She stood there while I explained my situation and even the salesman gave his 2cent's. My mom finally gave in and pulled out her credit card and SWIPE! Right then and there I truly and will always love my mom and appreciate all of the sacrifices she has made to get me my first and last pair of Jordans.