when I find myself alone in a quiet place I often start to think about the ugly truth about anything and everything. Upon pondering this repugnant reality (but somewhat pleasant to me), I've come to realize that we as people avoid the ugly truth about everything! Who we really are, our true intents, and even our very purpose. Question, when you buy a present for somebody, do you buy a present for that somebody because it's just to be nice? maybe if you hated that person but the ugly truth is that you bought that gift because you didn't want to feel guilty for being the only one not to buy a gift for him/her. Now, say you do buy something for a relative or for close friends, you buy and put some thoughts into it that will always benefit yourself (OMG this is going to be fun). My cousin, close friends, & family may already know this but whenever I get a gift, the ugly truth is that I'm really only doing this to benefit myself. For instance, I built my cousin a bike from scratch although I had other presents in mind, this one came at an awesome price that I was willing to pay & play. I had put together a one off bike that he can call his own and knowing his posse they could not bite this style (my pet peeve). Sure anyone can buy and ride a bike but to ride one that was made for you, in your style and taste is on a whole other level. After the build and having to give the bike to him, I knew 1)he would gloat to his friends about his new bike and 2) how awesome his cousin is. My original intentions were to make him happy and to get him to shut up about buying a fixed gear that we all know he was never to going buy! Now upon planning this build I realized what I was really after, which was 1)building up my "Awesome" cousin status 2)showing off my creativity & taste 3)my vast knowledge of bicycle parts. Throughout the process of this build people complimented the bike and asked constantly "is this your bike?", "who are you building this for?", & "how much does a bike like this cost?" (no,my cousin,priceless). I'm going to spell this out for all my readers, "these are the questions that fill my ego and make me who I am". I don't go fishing for these questions they just come along and what I don't understand is, why do people ask these questions when they already know the answer? I hardly ever answer questions because I'll give you this look and maybe raise one eyebrow until the ugly truth of an answer slaps you across your face and then I'll smile and you go "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" If you've ever received a gift from me or anyone else, ask yourself "why did they buy this for me?" think and then think about it again. I could go on but I've grown tired of this subject. In closing I am awesome and manipulative, and this is my ugly truth!
p.s. I'm Hella BOOJEE!