I am going to start by saying that I'm very luck to have an awesome family, cousins, and friends! I am very fortunate to have my closest relatives and friends stick with me through thick & thin and always help by pointing me in the right direction at my most disarrayed moments. I look forward to what the holidays have to offer this yeas as I am very fortunate to have a glimpse of what my belated birthday/Christmas present will be this year (thanks humberto! although I would have loved to see which portrait of J.D. you had originally picked out for me to have painted). I will be trying hard this year to be able to afford gifts for all my closest relatives (as if my sense of humor and being around them isn't enough J/K!). I can't wait until this Thursday as I will stuff my face with turkey and pass out. Just out of curiosity, how many of you like stuffing? Do you prefer eating it as a side dish, next to the turkey? or stuffed in it's arse? I think it's pretty disgusting to go picking into the turkey's arse for food! sorry I was digressing a little bit. So this holiday season is turning out very good for me so far and I hope you all have an awesome one as well! I just wanna say thank you to my family and friends for being supportive of my decisions, my cousin ron for motivating me and getting me into better shape (not quite jacob yet), & humberto for making blog post #5 real and true! Thank you all!
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