I wanna start off by saying that I am sorry to all my readers. I have been neglecting my blog therefore have been also been neglecting you (my reader) as well! I've been up and down this entire summer and now that it has come to an end, I will probably be writing here more! I started the summer with an amazing training regiment (cycling & diet) that consisted of constant cycling in the mornings followed by an easy commute to work. I would normally log in roughly 30-50 miles a day and maybe try to get an easy city cruise in on the evenings. My summer started off well until the unexpected happened! Yes that's right I met a girl, unfortunately there are no words to describe how I felt about her except for if you were fortunate enough to have met her with me, your immediate thoughts would have been "I get it". Many of you that know me, know that I'm kind of an arse towards women and pay them no mind/attention but this girl (let's call her "summer"), summer and I "clicked"...(If your familiar with the movie, I'll tell you now that this story pretty much has it's similarities with the movie). I met Summer at a Tuesday bike night (tarck tuesdays) gathering and she was one of the very few girls that was into "tarcking". At first she was just another girl on a bike in my eyes but after seeing and chatting up with her a few more tarck tuesday nights, I had thought to myself there could be more to this girl so I think I'll try to dip my toe into the water. It wasn't really until a Friday night bike ride (Cmass) is when I thought I would give this a shot. In the beginning of the ride I was pretty much chill but was trying to strategize a way to try to get to know her more (hit me up for more info). But to make a long story short, I get a text from Summer later on that evening asking why I didn't hang out with the rest of our group? (right then I knew I had a shot) The next 3 day's went by fast as we were texting and hanging out quite frequently. It was fun and exciting but on the third day is when I attempted to kiss her and boy was it worth it! The timing couldn't have been more perfect (no homo). We spent many nights together but also many nights separated (her call not mine). So throughout the rest of the summer (july and august) we had many ups and some downs mostly due to her fickleness and constant inconsistent feelings, I for some stupid reason didn't want to give up! I'm not one to give up easily unless the other party gives up (which unfortunately was yesterday). Sorry I have to stop. Call if you want the rest/more in depth of the story or I may continue this at a later date.
p.s. we never dated
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